Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Six Days of Gratitude

So, friends, today, I owe you 30 gratitudes...I have been horribly sick, we couldn't figure out what was wrong. I was still coming to work because I was out of paid time sick time, no personal nothing. Finally, on Friday, I decided I had had enough of it, and went back to the walk-in clinic and found out what I could have told them two weeks before...I had strep throat, just like my kids did.

So today, April 2, 2014, I am grate*full...

1. That my boss was amazing through this whole process of finding out what was wrong, having to stay home, agonizing over whether or not to come in...
2. For my doctors, who did the best they could with the information they had.
3. That my aunt is a cell biologist and has been warning me about superbugs for 20 years. If she hadn't, I would have been more angry that they hadn't thrown an antibiotic at this sooner.
4. For my amazing office mate who held down the fort when I had to be out sick.
5. That my over-precocious five-year-old can read, and, while I was suffering thinking I had viral laryngitis, I was able to communicate with her by writing down what I wanted to say.
6. For Pandora.
7. For Dark chocolate M&Ms.
8. That we're getting a giveback snowday on April 11 and I actually don't have to come in that day (I thought I did). (For the love of God, I'm going to knit that day.)
9. For the song "Breathe (2 AM)" by Anna Nalick.
10. For Sucrets.
11. That now that I have the right diagnosis and am on proper medication, I am starting to feel better.
12. For Kleenex tissues.
13. For hand sanitizer.
14. For Lysol wipes.
15. For my husband, who does our dishes and washed my coffee mugs.
16. For the beautiful braided hats that my friend Brenda makes, that look so cute on my baby daughter, and will hopefully fetch a pretty penny at my tricky trays raffle next month.
17. For Rachael's smiles.
18. For Melanie's quick wit.
19. For Marc's imagination.
20. For Tylenol.
21. For clean water to drink.
22. For the roof over our heads.
23. For my job.
24. For Friends (aka Joey Show) on DVD.
25. That my candy sales are going well.
26. That my energy is coming back.
27. That the weather is sunny today.
28. That spring seems to finally have sprung.
29. For a decent parking spot this morning even though I was running late.
30. That the pile in my folder of things to file is getting smaller.


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