Monday, February 24, 2014

Gratitudes 2/23 and 2/24/14

"One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child." ~ Carl Jung

Today I am grate*full...
that she who must not be named came and dropped off the stuff from her garage without incident.
that my good friend Will Wickham is going to come and tune the piano at the UU.
that a colleague was flexible and helped me out this morning/
That my professional relationship another coworker seems to be getting better.
That I have my cell phone back.
That my Melanie got in her ride's car without incident :) When I left this morning, she was crying and saying she didn't want to go to school.
For the Shuffle feature on my Pandora station.
For coffee.
For the Keurig in the office.
And finally, that my tax refund is scheduled to be sent to my bank by Wednesday and I should have it by Monday at the latest! Whoo-hoo! Definitely grateful for that.


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